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A VIRTUAL REALITY - Short Scene Writing

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*Yawning* (Giyu wakes up in the morning.)

Giyu: I wonder what my friends are planning for today, I miss hanging out with them, maybe a side trip would do. Anyway, I’ll call them later. (Grabbed the remote and turned the TV on)

TV News report: The country has experienced an economic shock from the spread of the COVID-19 forcing establishments to shut down temporarily and an increasing amount of workers have lost their jobs The public is now advised to stay at home.

Giyu: It looks like I am going to be stuck inside, I don’t know if I will last spending the next months inside the house. (He complained and sigh.)

(Giyu sniffed the aroma that was coming from the kitchen)

Giyu: Seems like Mom is busy cooking downstairs, I should head down and help her.


Giyu’s Mom: (She saw Giyu come down the stairs and is entering the kitchen.) Oh son you’re awake, go take a seat and let me finish my cookings.

Giyu: Do you need anything Mom?

Giyu’s Mom: I can handle this, just call your little sister, and then we can eat once this is finish.

(Giyu along with his Mom and sister ate their breakfast.)

Giyu: So dad is still on duty again, I hope he’s doing fine. It’s been a week since he last came home and I think it will be a lot more waiting before he can leave duty because of this pandemic. (Giyu realize that his mother is not listening to him) Mom, who’s that you’re talking to?

Giyu’s Mom: Oh sorry, It’s your dad on the phone. Here it’s on a video call, you guys can talk and I will just be cleaning the table. Give it to your sister after so she can see her Dad, I’m sure she misses him so much.

(They talked via video call and after Giyu went back to his room)


(Booted up his computer and he saw a message from a friend)

Fumi: Hey Giyu, Let’s hang out!

Giyu: Hang out? You haven’t heard the news? We’re forced to stay inside because of the pandemic.

Fumi: Yeah I’ve heard it, but we are not going outside. What I mean is let’s play video games. There’s a new game out there where you can play with your friends in an open world environment, cool right? It’s called Genshin Impact. There’s also VRchat where you can go to places and talk with people from all around the globe and just staying inside your house in real life!

Giyu: Eyy chill, I’m not really sure about it since I don’t play video games that much but I’ll give it a try.

(The game is lunching and Giyu landed on the game)

Giyu was impressed by what he saw and experienced for the first time, an open virtual reality where you can do mostly everything and become anything you want.

Fumi: So what do you think of this? (Giyu was not paying attention) Bro, hey can you hear me?

(Giyu was so immersed in the game that he could not notice his friend Fumi anymore)

Giyu’s Mom came upstairs to see how Giyu is doing. She heard Giyu talking and it seemed to her that Giyu was having fun. She knocked on the door and asked

Giyu’s Mom: Giyu, what are you up to?

Giyu: Oh hey Mom, We were just hanging out with Fumi in this new open virtual reality video game online.

Giyu’s Mom: Ah I see, but don’t forget to study because your exam is tonight and come downstairs later so you can have your lunch. Are we clear?

Giyu: Okay (He then continued to play the game)


(Lunchtime came and Giyu did not come downstairs to eat and is still playing his game, Learning this her mom was worried about his son, Giyu also have tasks that he must pass and the due date is going to be this night.)

Fumi: Hey Giyu, I think we should end the game for now and eat our meals first, besides we have an exam tonight and we need to study. I’m logging out now.

Giyu: I still wanna play, you can log out now if you want. I need to complete these missions and get these legendary artifacts (Activities from the game.)

Fumi: Okay man, just be sure to study or else you’ll be in trouble. *Disconnected*

(The exam was scheduled at 6 PM and Giyu seems to have forgotten about it.)

Giyu: Aha! I finally got it! (He screamed) Oh, wait, what time is it? (Checks the time and saw that it’s already 6:15 PM) This is bad! What am I supposed to do? I haven’t studied my lessons, I was so immersed in the game.

(He opened the Google Classroom and entered the test)

Giyu: I should have listened to Fumi, I need to answer all of these questions before the given time. I think we’re given 1 hour to answer this test and there are about 35 minutes left and I can’t recall the lessons.

(Giyu was late on passing and missed a lot of items)


The teacher called Giyu’s Mother regarding his scores in the exam and Giyu’s Mother was not in a good mood after she heard about it. She called Giyu to come downstairs

Giyu’s Mother: (I need to teach him a lesson) She thought, Giyu can you come downstairs we need to talk.

Giyu: I think I’m dead, this must be about the exam last night (he murmured out of nervous)

(Giyu and his mother now confronted each other)

Giyu’s Mother: You know son, Your father is a good man, working hard amidst the pandemic, to help in the frontline. He placed his life knowing the danger that is lurking outside this pandemic. All of the things that we have right now is because of your father’s hard work. Hanging out online is not bad at all, but you need to follow a certain schedule and prioritize your studies, Don’t you think your father would be sad to find out that his work is being rendered useless? Think about it.

(Giyu reflected and realized that what he did was wrong and he needs to fix himself)

Giyu: I’m sorry Mom, I’m sorry... Dad. (Giyu looks down and suddenly looked up to his mother) “Mom, I promise I will not procrastinate anymore. I will make Dad proud from now on. I realize that we may be able to escape reality through virtual reality games but we should not neglect reality.”

The END.

October 23, 2020

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