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Short Dialogue Writing

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"Run Adrianna!" My tears started to fall. My mom was now full of bruised because of my bastard dad.

"Morissa! Come back here you son of bitch!" Dad calling my mother. He was totally on a rampage who was chasing us.

"Adrianna..." Mom was catching her breath. "Adrianna you should run dear, I'll buy you time to save your own life."

"Mom, I wanna stay. I'm afraid of dad." I don't want my mom to die in vain, I thought.

"Shhh.." "You should leave first, honey. Mom always loves you." I saw my mom smiled with tears and without knowing it was the last.

"Morissa! You bitch woman! Come back here you two!" Now I'm panicking, dad is getting near.

Panicking I said, "Mom, daddy is coming we need to run and hide."

"Running away, sweetie?" Dad was really near and smirking like a creepy devil!

"I love you, Adrianna my baby. Now run as f-fast as you can!—"

"Not so fast!" Dad pulled her hair.

"Baby once y-you got out n-never come back, I l-love you so much. Run, Adrianna!"

"Fuck you, Morissa!" I heard dad was quivering in pain. I took a glimpse at my dad and he was really on raged!

Mom turned my head towards the gate again. "Never look back, go!" I ran as fast as I can.

November 20, 2020

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