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SUMMER'S LUPICAL - One Act Play Script Writing

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One fine fallen day, Lyflet was on their House's terrace sitting and watched the wind brushes the dying leaves. Albert approached her to keep her company.

"Can I sit here?" Albert pointed out a vacant chair. "I wouldn't mind," Lyflet replied. "I suppose you just finished your job at the port."

"Yes, and it's a hard job and a hard life for us living in poverty. I brought the drugs you need and we'll start your medication after an hour." Albert replied.

Lyflet was smiling as she pulls out a small box and gave it to Albert. "What is this?" Albert asked confusedly. "It's a cap, to keep you in shade. Take it as my token of gratitude." Lyflet smiled bigger but little do you know she's preventing herself to be emotional. She hates herself for not being able to help Albert with their expenses for both the house and her medication.

As Albert opened the box, he saw an exclusive personal made cap with his name sewed. "Darling you shouldn’t have hassled yourself, thank you." Albert was genuinely thankful. Lyflet was one of his reasons why he keeps studying and pursuing his law school. "It's nothing compare to what you've done, working and studying at the same time."

You are the fuel that keeps me going in life, without you, I can't graduate next year." Albert is a graduating student by next year in May. "I hope you'll be there," Albert added.

"I'm honored." Lyflet smiled.


Summer has come and it's hard for a patient with heart disease to keep up. The season gave Lyflet sleepless nights and triggers her insomnia and asthma. She developed a low immune system which leads her to have tuberculosis.

{Scenes showing/illustrating these events}

Albert was there to help and support her at all cost dedicated his free time to Lyflet but it wasn't enough to prevent her from dying sooner or later. She needed proper medication to recover.

Lyflet developed her illness when she was young, her parents have to leave her for their survival and she's left behind for having a frail body. It triggers her to have an emotional childhood as she is reminded that she will be alone again. Albert was his lover who took care of Lyflet.

{Scenes showing/illustrating these events}



“Congratulation Mr. Albert for passing law school”, “I am much obliged to you, Professor John” Albert replied. Professor John was a kind and able man that supported Albert with his study in law school. He saw potential in Albert and was fluttered with how hard-working Albert was.

Albert was thrilled with excitement to meet Lyflet. Lyflet who could barely stand up hugged Albert with tears covering her eyes because of the joy he felt for her lover.

“Darling I did it? I can finally have a proper job to support you” said Albert. Lyflet slowly turned over her view to Albert and cried. “Albert, I’m sorry for the burden that you took for me,” she said.

“I am here, I would carry your burden to the end. I love you” Albert replied.

As they were going home, Lyflet felt something, “Albert, I’m sorry but I don’t feel okay. I-I can’t breathe properly” Albert panicked and carried Lyflet. “Somebody help!” he screamed. A car that was passing by stopped to aid the strangers who called for help and quickly headed to the hospital.



Doctor: “Fortunately, the patient is now stabilized because of the eager response that was made. If she would have been in that state for longer, she would suffer a shock in her heart and die.”

The incident made a huge change in the lives of the two. Albert was worried about where to get the money needed for his wife. The man who helped them get to the hospital suddenly came. He was no ordinary man. He was a famous YouTuber who had millions of subscribers.

“Thank you sir for stopping and helping us out. My wife would have been dead by now” Albert said to the man. “It is the right thing to do, I’m glad your wife is okay”

“Can I know the name of the man who helped us?” Albert replied. “It’s Felix” the man replied. “I heard you needed money for your wife’s recovery, well don’t worry. I will use my audience to voice you out so people can help you. It’s the least I can do” he added. Albert hugged the man and cried for he had found hope.

A huge number of people donated to Albert after they heard the story of a man who’s wife was sick but has strived to work and study at the same time to help her.


Alber is has passed the Bar examination for lawyers and is now a full-fledged lawyer. He was so grateful for the blessings he has received and made his turn to help those people who are in need.

As a lawyer, he managed to join politics and was elected as the mayor of his hometown.

He made changes that helped the poor, a housing project, a job fair, and other programs laid out.

Lyflet’s life has reached a turning point once again. Her despair loneliness is buried along with the past. Albert continued to support Lyflet not only physically but financially, not only as his wife but as his partner in business. The change of environment with her husband, Albert helped Leyflet to recover from her illness and it began to wore down.

It is almost a miracle, or perhaps it is. The doctors said she only has the slightest possibility to recover but she did.

“Mama! Dada is home.”Oh Thorfinn, can you call your sister Jennifer upstairs?” says Lyflet who is preparing their supper.

Lyflet and Albert with a Family of two children lived their life with content.


June 08, 2020

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